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Toronto tow truck driver strike, container transport is slowing down

In Brampton, Ontario, truck drivers strike movement initiated by the part of the local freight caused more serious side effects. Container transport and cargo transit difficulties, some goods can not even arrived at the Pan-Toronto area (Greater Toronto Area). It is reported that these drivers are members of the Ontario Association of Container Transport (CTAO) of.

According to the Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFFA) said that since the strike began last week, as the article published, the number of drivers involved in the strike has reached hundreds of people, intermodal container transport speed railway yards GTA has clearly slowed down, but specific to To what extent, there is no clear data display.

According CTAO official website announced the news, in the past ten years, they not only face the continuing downturn in the freight, and the increasing operating costs and maintenance costs, but also need to spend more time at work. Brampton "The Guardian" reported that the truck drivers can expect after joining trade unions involved in the preparation, and classified as skilled workers.

CIFFA said that affected by the strike, most shipping companies, freight forwarding and import and export goods have begun to shift, some importers even suspended business cooperation, which local employment and economic development, resulting in a rather serious negative impact. However, according to Business Daily (JOC) reported that the Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway officials claimed that transport services are not affected. An official of the Ontario Association of trucks (OTA) said they had never heard CTAO or any protest related.

Monday morning, Facebook notifications CTAO show, truck drivers and truck companies negotiations are in progress, but it seems the situation has not improved.

According CIFFA reports, intimidation and destruction of public property and other categories protest demonstrations have occurred more than. Although CTAO have reminded their members, can not obstruct the normal use of the container yard, and should adopt a more peaceful and professional manner to fight