Jarry Air Cargo(HK) Limited

Not busy season, the global shipping industry ahead of winter

International shipping market is undergoing an adjustment, for shipping companies, which is perhaps an opportunity to upgrade the transformation. Faced with world economic growth

Slowdown, all shipping companies on the one hand has taken to reduce these and other "cost-cutting" measures to deal with the challenges, on the other hand continue to achieve self-optimization, in order to

Seek share the cake in the fierce competition.

After submitting an application for bankruptcy to the District Court for two weeks, one of Korea's biggest bulk shipping dry - big wave of international shipping companies officially entered the break

Production program, this in order to create the world's "most powerful and excellent" international shipping companies targeted transport companies about to enter its first 41 years of "occupation

"When they had to kind of" career Pathetique "way to end all business.

In fact, the big wave of international shipping is not the first to face bad dry bulk market, "exhausted," the shipping company. Number of aircraft

Transportation giant's bankruptcy, the global shipping industry into a piece of haze. As an international trade exchanges play a key role "middleman"

International shipping companies frequently issued "labor pains" sound may also imply more danger signals, commodities stood the cliff edge.

Goldman Sachs analyst Christian Lelong and Amber Cai said in the report, coal mine iron ore from Western Australia, Brazil and South Africa to Indonesia

, Mining companies around the world have felt the end of the bull market in commodities, now shipping industry also began to suffer.

Western Australia to China is known as the world's busiest dry bulk trade routes, Goldman Sachs reported that the price of shipping this route has increased from

In early 2008 peak of $ 44 / ton plunged today's $ 4.40 / ton. Falling prices will increase iron ore and coal shipping

Market competition.

In fact, this is the peak season for the June to August, the world's largest shipping companies this year, but business is bleak. Analysts pointed out that the global shipping industry

It is undergoing an adjustment, which related to the recent downward pressure on the international economy, but also the result of global economic restructuring. Shipping rate

Industry, by cutting route capacity, optimizing the management structure to meet the challenges, etc., in order to consolidate its shipping position.

Busy season

Dutch Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) latest report shows that the total global trade in the second quarter, the chain fell 0.5 percent, the highest since 2009

The largest decline. CPB will also be under a quarter of the total trade growth was revised down to 1.5% decline, revised data is the worst since 2009.

Some analysts believe that this is mainly due to stop economic recovery in Europe, as well as due to the economic slowdown in China. China's economic transition from export-led

To promote the domestic demand, the United States has gradually become a net exporter of energy, which are a structural impact on world trade.

At the same time, as a reflection of the extent of the global shipping industry boom of the main indicators, Baltic Exchange Dry Freight Index to

This trough is still hovering around 900 points, nearly 12,000 less than the high point of 1/10 before the 2008 financial crisis.

While under the contraction in global trade environment, bear the brunt of the impact that the shipping industry.

June-August this season that the global shipping industry, this year's unexpectedly cold. Container Trade Statistics Company (CTS) data show that the global shipping

Of the total in June fell 3.1 percent; as the world's second largest entrepot, Singapore July container throughput fell 13.3%, to 2008 International

The worst performance after the financial crisis. Nomura data also show that in July the total amount of all the major shipping port in East Asia fell 0.6 percent growth in the third quarter, the situation

Not optimistic.

The container freight from Asia to northern Europe in the second week of August the price of container freight rates fell 20%. This world's busiest route for freight

It has dropped for three consecutive weeks, the current tariffs than three weeks ago fell 60 percent, less than half the price of shipping guaranteed.

In addition, according to the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index show that in late August, Shanghai to Europe fell to $ 640 per container freight, June

Parts of Shanghai to Rotterdam tariffs once dropped $ 243 per container historic lows, the price of fuel can not even make up for shipping companies

Costs. Shipping industry source said, anything less than $ 1,300 per container freight rates for businesses will be difficult to sustain long-term.

Norwegian investment bank Pareto Securities and ship brokerage analyst Eirik Haavaldsen that the whole industry can only choose to reduce cargo ship

To ease the decline in the number of profit. "Coal industry has crashed, and there is no improvement in iron ore."

Large shipping companies dismal business between Asia and Europe has been the busiest routes abnormal deserted, in the context of the global economic downturn

Under domestic and international shipping companies generally suffered operating pressure, a number of shipping giant even begin to cut capacity in order to prevent the loss of popular routes spread.

It is understood that the current global shipping industry is controlled by 15 large European and Asian shipping companies, these large enterprises consisting of a series of alliances

Shared between each route and the port, and enable large container ocean-going vessels to transport goods, these large ocean-going vessels can be loaded each time

More than 19,000 containers, more than a dozen years ago to enhance the carrying capacity of approximately 1/3. But only a few large shipping companies in the first half of this year

To achieve a profit, and most companies have suffered losses.

United States, "Wall Street Journal" quoted the British horse Briggs shipping Brokerage Co. analyst Jonathan shipping? Lowe's analysis that "this

In the international market demand is worse than expected, the data so far show this year will be the global container shipping industry difficult year, with the

Forward to more new ships built, on the one hand expect the global shipping carrying capacity will increase 8.6 percent, while the global demand is only expected to increase

2% -3%, which gives global shipping companies enormous pressure. "Rottweiler expected this year, the Asia-Europe route freight capacity will be at least 30% excess.

Bankruptcy into tide

Faced with the risk of economic slowdown in Asia and countries such as Greece turmoil, the international shipping industry is still continuing oversupply in the market, seriously hurt the industry letter

Heart. An authoritative survey shows that, six years, the shipping industry, the industry has never been so pessimistic outlook.

Annual transportation survey results sixth year international firm Norton Rose Fulbright (Norton Rose Fulbright) showed

Only 33% of respondents believe that the current favorable market conditions, hold this view last year as well as accounting for 69% of the respondents. Two-thirds of respondents to the industry

Pessimistic outlook, which is since 2009 the most pessimistic expectations.