Hong Kong packet query URL
Hong Kong packet query URL: http://sc.hongkongpost.com/gb/app3.hongkongpost.com/CGI/mt/c_enquiry.jsp
In addition to Hong Kong packet query URL, we also collected more than 50 countries registered parcel tracking and tracing of address, so you can safely send to these countries registered air mail. The website lists the most suitable are those of goods sold through eBay.com eBay seller use.
Argentina Argentina *
Armenia Armenia *
Australia * Australia
Austria * Austria
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan *
Bangladesh * Bangladesh
Belarus Belarus *
Belgium * Belgium
Bolivia Bolivia *
Brazil * Brazil
Cambodia * Cambodia
Canada * Canada
Chile * Chile
China * China
Cote d'Ivoire Rep * Côte d'Ivoire
Croatia * Croatia
Denmark * Denmark
Ecuador Ecuador *
Finland Finland *
Finland * Finnish (Express)
France * French
Germany * Germany
Greece * Greece
Hong Kong * Hong Kong
Iceland Iceland *
India * India
Indonesia * Indonesia
Ireland * Ireland
Israel * Israel
Italy * Italy
Japan * Japan
Luxembourg * Luxembourg
Malta Malta *
Malaysia * Malaysia
Mexico * Mexico
Morocco * Morocco
New Zealand * New Zealand
Niger Niger *
Nigeria * Nigeria
Norway * Norway
Pakistan * Pakistan
Peru * Peru
Romania Romania *
Russian Federati * Russia Federati
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia *
Singapore * Singapore
Slovakia Slovak *
Slovenia Slovenia *
Spain * Spain
Sweden * Sweden
SEO / SEM * Foreign SEO
Switzerland * Switzerland
Taiwan * Taiwan
Thailand * Thailand
Turkey * Turkey
Ukraine Ukraine *
United Arab Emirates * United Arab Emirates (UAE)
United Kingdom * United Kingdom
Vietnam * Vietnam
Next: Chinese postal packets international query URL