Jarry Air Cargo(HK) Limited

Early warning 丨 "Indonesian port import clearance into the high pressure period", people teach you how to deal with security

Indonesia since mid-October customs red light state, every year from December to March next year, for the Indonesian import clearance of the red light period, the Indonesian customs will join the other law enforcement agencies on the import clearance thorough investigation, clearance procedures need more than before Procedures, longer, if the operation is not appropriate, but also corresponding to produce more costs. For some of the red license of the rise, it is 100% will check. In view of the particularity of the Indonesian customs clearance, at this special point of time, according to our experience in the logistics and customs industry in Indonesia, I have put forward some countermeasures:

1. For different goods category (each country may have different import requirements for different categories - tariffs and non-tariff threshold), the number of goods need to be clear before shipment, according to the specific circumstances to confirm the consignee and the name, If necessary, but also with the strength of the port of destination agents and customs requirements of the packing requirements for packing;

2. If there is no corresponding right of importation, or have the right to import but the qualification is easy to be easy to check (access to API, or even apply to the Master List, does not mean that can be barrier-free clearance), you can use DDP operation, A better import agent to complete the customs clearance.

3. Whether it is DDP or DDU operation, we will recommend and require the booking company to apply for 14 days free time of detention (14 days free cabinet period), so even if the clearance time is longer than usual, can not produce Or reduce the cabinet rent;

4. In addition, the import and export involving the export and destination countries of the two parts, but no matter what mode of operation, export declarations and import customs clearance are two relatively independent work, the state is to encourage the export of general products, as long as the actual export , The domestic document declaration to obtain the corresponding tax rebate is not affected by the different countries of the different customs clearance.

5. International trade is a systematic project, coupled with the import and export of Indonesia is more special, we need to make the most appropriate according to the actual operation of the program, in the country just like Indonesia to confirm the corresponding import rights and qualifications, and then clear the requirements of the largest cabinet Limit the work done before shipment, will be able to maximize the efficient completion of import and export related work.