Jarry Air Cargo(HK) Limited

Notice of the latest request for FEDEX shipment

Dear guests, hello!


(Such as glasses, make-up mirror, mobile phone case, rearview mirror, etc.) to the United States, with the goods must be detailed declaration of the size of the product (Note: the United States, the United States, the United States, Single product size).


Please consult with each other and tell each other, please consignor to ship the goods before the strict examination with the goods, the Secretary for delivery to the service provider will not be reviewed again, such as because the consignor invoice name is not detailed and with the goods clearance information Incomplete, etc., resulting in Hong Kong service providers refused to receive goods or local customs clearance issues, the resulting delays and related costs borne by the consignor. Inconvenience


1,30kgs within the charge RMB100 / votes;

2,300kgs within the charge RMB200 / votes, more than 300kgs over the part by RMB0.6 / KG charge;

3, re-send operation charges: 40RMB / votes.