Jarry Air Cargo(HK) Limited

Will affect the entire maritime industry experience, said the new rules cartons Conditions

SOLAS Convention relating to the weight of the container to verify the new regulations will take effect on July 1, 2016, which will affect the entire maritime industry. While many details of its implementation is unclear, but the parties involved in containerized shipping is facing a new situation, to do their own preparation. Hereby overview on the most important issues of the industry Know everyone.

1, the new rules will improve shipping safety

False positives container weight having stability ships, trucks and terminal equipment of a serious impact, and the industry pose a threat to the safety of workers, and even life-threatening. False weight seems to be a universal phenomenon, when weighing the container after the accident, the aggregate data obtained different results are often its cargo manifests. In relation to long-term issues in dispute has led to the SOLAS Convention (its Chapter VI relating to Article 2, the requirements to make it accurate), as amended, in order to ensure accurate declaration of all container weight.

2. All containers should be weighed

Principles laid down in the new SOLAS convention is simple, since July 1, 2016, all containers before their shipment to the mandatory weighing. Container weight is determined one of two methods can be used. Containers can be weighed after it has been loaded, or may instead all content items weighing cartons, and the tare weight of the container plus combined. Regardless of how its estimated weight allowed subjective.

3, the entire supply chain will be affected

Actively participate in all aspects of the container supply chain will be affected by this new requirement affect to some extent. Ship operators and terminal operators are required to apply proven weight container stowage plan. To make them, and when the way to get information, the shipper would have to share with the booking agent or freight forwarder that validation by weight. This obviously requires to reach a new agreement relating to the program, as well as modify existing information technology (IT) systems.

4, to provide accurate weight for the shipper responsibility

Consignor (shipper or third party liability under) were asked to loading containers or the entire contents of the weighing, depending on the method chosen. Weighing equipment used must meet state certification and calibration requirements. SOLAS Convention requires amendment weight verification procedures must be signed, on behalf of the shipper specific personnel must verify the accuracy of the weight of the program to name and OK. The carrier may rely on this signature validation weight as accurate weight.

5, reporting procedural details may vary due to the specific circumstances

The total weight of the container to verify the signature of the shipping document must be declared. A portion of this document may be shipped to the shipping instructions, or may be a separate document, such as such as a certificate of declaration contained weight. Whatever the case, the document should explicitly state provided the total weight of the total weight of the verification. The carrier will provide information about the deadline for the shipper, the carrier must during this period received a request from the shipper to verify the weight of the container used for ship stowage plans. These deadlines may vary due to different carriers, may be due to operational procedures or requirements for different terminal operators varies and may differ because of the port. Where there is no verification of the total weight of the container can not be shipped.