Jarry Air Cargo(HK) Limited

G6 Alliance were canceled two lines seven voyages calling Port of Oakland

G6 Alliance decided to cancel the Auckland Harbour Asia / America West SC1 line three cruises anchored arrangement, SC1 line anchored: Xiamen, Chiwan, Yantian, Kaohsiung, Los Angeles, (Oakland), Kaohsiung, Oakland. Investment boat 6 x 9,000 / 10,000 teu.

Also G6 Alliance decided to cancel PA2 line 4 Auckland Harbour cruises calling arrangements, respectively September 2, 9, 16, 23. PA2 line vote ship 10 x 4,400 / 4,900 teu. Anchored route: Tokyo, Kobe, Pusan, Manzanillo (Pan), Miami, Jacksonville, Savannah, Charleston, New York, Norfolk, Manzanillo (Pan), Balboa, Los Angeles, Oakland, Tokyo