Jarry Air Cargo(HK) Limited

GSL ship OOCL sell more than $ 53.6 million

Finet reports, August 5, OOCL announced to an independent third party GlobalShipLease, Inc. Sale of a vessel, priced at $ 53.6 million (equivalent to HK $ 4.1808 billion) in the last delivery date for October 15, GSL Group will lease back the ship a minimum of 36 months and a maximum of 39 months, the lease period from the date of delivery of the ship from the meter, net sales proceeds from the sale amounted to approximately $ 52.3 million (equivalent to HK $ 4.0794 million).

The company refers to, sets back the proceeds intended to be used for general working capital, and in the future when appropriate opportunities arise, to fund any investment project may be involved.