Jarry Air Cargo(HK) Limited

Notice of the package of FedEx to Taiwan

Notice of the package of FedEx to Taiwan
Dear customer, how do you do!
FedEx notice, send packages to Taiwan such as belonging to one vote more than, the shipper with the goods information to provide copies of the two copies of packing list, please above all clients are aware of, to ensure that all goods with complete, our mailing service providers will not be each audit data, such as because the data did not conform to the relevant provisions, goods will be FedEx buckle cut, and forced the consignor ANN
Row back, resulting in the cost of delivery and transit delay, will be borne by the shipper, please know, thank you!
Charge standard of bill of lading:
1, 30kg within the RMB100/;
2.RMB200/ within a 300kgs times greater than the 300kgs of more than part of the RMB0.6/KG charge;
3, after the withdrawal, if the delivery person to provide complete and effective information required to re send, will receive the operating fee RMB40/ ticket.