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Russia was allowed to join the WTO tariff will be reduced!

Russia was allowed to join the WTO tariff level will drop to 7.8%

In December 16th, at the Geneva International Conference Center at the World Trade Organization (WTO) the eighth session of the Ministerial Conference, WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy (in) and the standing ovation to celebrate Russia's accession to the wto. Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization 16 officially approved Russia's accession to the wto.

Russia's accession to the WTO formally approved

Xinhuanet.com Geneva 16 December Xinhua (reporter Liu Yang Wang Zhao) Eighth WTO ministerial meeting in Geneva on 16 formal approval of Russia's accession to the WTO, Russia 18 years into the world of the end.

Russian Economic Development Minister Elvira Nabiullina said in Russia's accession to the WTO agreement has been approved, Russia's accession to the WTO is a win-win situation both domestic and international society.

WTO Director-General Pascal Rami said, Russia's accession to the WTO is a historic moment for Russia's domestic and multilateral trade mechanism. He said the WTO, trade and will cover 97% of the world's.

Russia will be in 30 days after the agreement approved formally become a WTO member.

According to the WTO agreement, Russian general tariff level will fall from 7.8% in 2011 to 10%. Among them, the overall tariff level of agricultural products from the current 10.8% to 13.2%, the overall industrial manufactured goods tariffs will be reduced to 7.3% from 9.5%.

The agreement enters into force, Russia is obligated to immediately for more than 1/3 of the import and export tax of implementation of the new tariff requirements, another 1/4 tax will be adjusted in place in three years. The WTO Agreement on some products to Russia to give longer tariff protection period, the poultry products protection period, for eight years, cars, helicopters and aircraft for seven years.

Russia in 1993 June formally applied to join the WTO predecessor, the general agreement on Tariffs and trade.

Xinhua International Commentary: Russia into the WTO "insider"

Russia's accession to the WTO negotiations over a period of 18 years. Due to the agricultural subsidies, auto assembly standard, finance and insurance market opening and other key issues under dispute, constraints, and Georgia, and relationship between Russia and the United States and other factors, the marathon tortuous and long. In the meantime, because it is the "outsider", Russia is excluded from the international trade rules of decision-making circle. This is not only the loss of international trade, is Russia's loss. According to the Russian government preliminary estimates, Russia every year because of trade discrimination suffered losses of $2500000000.

In 18 years, and before entering the WTO of China, the Russian domestic pros and cons of WTO dispute has never broken off. In the eyes of many Russians, rich in resources, economy is mainly dependent on oil and gas exports to Russia benefit a lot in the WTO cannot, therefore there is no need to use the WTO rules, especially the accession to the WTO will exert a great impact on Russia's light industry, agriculture, finance, insurance, auto and aerospace manufacturing industry