Jarry Air Cargo(HK) Limited

Vomiting Detailed customs regulations in various countries! You're all here!

Different countries in the import and export of goods, there will be different requirements and regulations, in order to avoid foreign trade freight forwarding in the face of a new shipping country, due to ambiguity in the transport, customs clearance and other aspects of the problem, This list of requirements.

Countries that need to declare AMS

The United States, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines (where the United States does not need to declare ISF regulations must be provided to the US Customs 48 hours before sailing, otherwise there will be a fine of USD5000, AMS fee of 25 US dollars / votes, modified 40 US dollars / votes).

Since July 1, 2016, all imports of goods to the Philippines must be declared in advance AMS, the Philippines in addition to the original EBS, CIC will be an additional AMS surcharge. Goods to the Philippines require advance notice of AMS

Countries that need to declare ENS

All EU member states, ENS costs 25-35 US dollars / votes.

Wooden packaging to do fumigation disinfection of the country

Australia, the United States, Canada, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Israel, Brazil, Chile, Panama

Need to do the certificate of the country

Cambodia, Canada, UAE, Doha, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka

Vomiting and finishing the details of the port of each country!



Regardless of the terms of FOB or CIF, whether or not the bill of lading is "TOORDER OF SHIPPER", whether or not the bill of lading is in your hand, the Indian side may not pay and the law is legal, in the import declaration of BILL OFENTRY (import declaration manifest) and IGM (import cargo manifest) as long as the Indian customer's name, you have lost the right to goods, regardless of whether the bill of lading in your hands, so be sure to 100% prepaid.


The central bank's foreign exchange administration regulations: In addition to special circumstances, the import business must be paid in an irrevocable letter of credit. Unless the Bangladesh Ministry of Commerce license, import trade are not allowed to use CIF way to protect the insurance industry in Bangladesh. Exports of Bangladesh products, packaging must specify the importer's company name, address, tax number, product name of origin, in order to check the relevant information inspection. Bangladesh began implementing import commodities "PRSI-SHIPMENT-INSPECTION" on February 15, 2000, and carried out value assessment and bulk status inspection of goods destined for Bangladesh before shipment. Bangladesh Customs has opened a new electronic customs platform since July 1, 2013, requiring BIN NUMBER to be displayed on the import bill of lading. Bangladesh is a typical religious country, Islam accounted for 88.3% of the population, Islam is their state religion. Due to religious reasons, the Bengal letter of credit will generally carry out special requirements for the flag of the carrier, does not allow the carrier to fly the flag of Israel and other countries.


Japan Port Authority to import fireworks regulations: to the second port of discharge of the fireworks cabin, in the first port of discharge is not allowed to open, even if the first port of discharge of goods is no exception; the price of each bill of lading fireworks shall not exceed gross weight 80 tons.


The port of Singapore provides that a vessel with dangerous goods shall not be docked at the dock, must be unloaded at the anchorage of the dangerous goods, and then transported by barge to the port office to designate the terminal warehouse to pay the consignor. Therefore, the ship in the transport of dangerous goods to Singapore, the shipper should be required to pay dangerous goods subsidies.


Sacks of imported goods must be imported by fumigation; dangerous goods can not be unloaded in the terminal warehouse, must be sent directly by the consignee ship or car or direct delivery to this.


Karachi Port Authority provides: the import of paper bags of carbon powder, graphite powder, magnesium dioxide and other dyes, etc., must be pallet or appropriate packing, or not unloading. In addition, Pakistan does not accept ships flying in India, South Africa, Israel, South Korea and Taiwan.


Article 90 of the Iranian tax law provides that freight charges are levied at 50% of the freight at the port of Iran, regardless of where they are paid for freight. Import duties are exempt from freight tax. Jeddah and Dammam Port Authority:

1, where the goods to the two Hong Kong must be in the port of shipment to carry the tray, the container should also be the first container after packing.

2, the contents of the cargo documents must be detailed.

Saudi Arabia

All goods imported into Saudi Arabia must be shipped using the pallet and packaged on the need to print the origin and mark. And since February 25, 2009, all goods arriving in Hong Kong will be subject to fines SAR1,000 (US $ 267) / 20 'and SAR1,500 (US $ 400) / 40', respectively, in violation of the provisions.

United Arab Emirates

Dubai and Abu Dhabi Hong Kong health authorities require that imported food must be marked with a period of expiry and accompanied by a hygienic statement, otherwise the Hong Kong side will not discharge.


The Lebanese Veterinary Hygiene and Quarantine Act stipulates that all imported animals, livestock products and their products, all perishable cans and foodstuffs shall be accompanied by a formal hygiene certificate issued by the producing country concerned with the ship, and non-certified goods are prohibited from entering Hong Kong.


Not allowed to import all kinds of drugs and sulfuric acid, nitrate, dangerous animals, etc., without the permission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Maldives, are not allowed to import alcoholic beverages, dogs, pigs or pork, statues and so on.


The final consignee must have the right to import and export, or can not clear the import.Therefore, to modify the bill of lading need to use a month or so.



1, to declare AMS bill of lading, to display the product code, and the need to provide AMS information and packing list invoices; 2, Notify display third party informants, generally freight forwarding company or CONSIGNEE agent; 3, SHIPPER show real shipper And CONSIGNEE show true consignee;

4, the name can not show the general name, to show the detailed name of the goods;

5, the number of pieces: the request to show the details of the number of pieces. Example: 1PALLET inside there are 50 boxes of goods, can not only show 1 PLT, must show 1 pallet containing 50 cartons;

6, the bill of lading to show the origin of goods, the bill of lading after the bill of lading to produce at least a fine of USD200


Chile does not accept electric bill of lading, wood packaging to fumigation.


Do not accept the bill of lading, wood packaging to fumigation, to provide packing list and invoices;

By COLON FREEZONE (Cologne free trade zone) transit, to Panama (PANAMA) of the goods, must be stacked and can forklift operations, single weight can not exceed 2000KGS.


The bill of lading must show the amount of the shipping bill (only in US dollars or euros).


The Canadian government provides goods to the east coast of the country, the best winter delivery in Halifax and St. Johns, because the two ports are not affected by the frozen.


Argentine law stipulates that the consignee's loss of the bill of lading must be declared to the customs, with the consent of the customs company or by the shipping company commissioned by the agent to issue another set of bills of lading, while submitting a statement to the relevant agency that the original bill of lading failure.

United States

To the United States and the goods to be unloaded in the United States in addition to follow the US Customs 24 hours before the submission of the rules of the manifest, but also need to meet: the bill of lading as shown by the consignor or consignee or contractor must be contract customers; In the description of the name of the bill of lading, please note that the goods are fumigation or non-wood packaging.


1, only to accept a full set of three original bill of lading can not be modified, the bill of lading must show the amount of freight (only use the dollar or euro), do not accept "TO ORDER" bill of lading, bill of lading to show the consignee contact (phone, address );

2. The CNPJ number of the consignee must be displayed on the bill of lading (the consignee must be a registered company) and the consignee must be a company registered at the destination customs;

3, can not be paid, not in the port of destination more money, wood packaging to fumigation, so Pinxiang offer is more attention.



Rotterdam Port since January 1, 1996 began to use the "Green Award" system, the load of more than 50,000 tons of crude oil tankers, according to their equipment, shipping and other aspects of the rating level, if the high level, in the import freight Give a discount. The Rotterdam Port Authority reduces the port fee for a safe and environmentally sound vessel when it is parked at the port.


1, the guests must pay in a timely manner, or you are long-term cooperation, otherwise it is recommended to play over! Or to pay more than 75%.

2, the goods arrived in Hong Kong must be two reminders: a reminder of the guests pay, two reminders to pick up the goods! Otherwise the goods to Hong Kong or after the station, no one to pick up the goods by the customs of the black out of the goods, or you have to pay high fees at the same time guests can be done through the relationship between goods delivery, the market is sometimes reasonable and can not tell The

3, in view of the Russian style of dragging, we must remember, whether it is prepaid, or delivery, or back to the end of the money, should urge reminders.



1, the export of goods to Egypt, the Commodity Inspection Bureau to implement pre-shipment inspection and inspection work.

2, whether or not the statutory requirements of commodity inspection, customers need to provide replacement vouchers or by virtue of the official declaration of power of attorney, box, invoice, contract.

3, that replacement receipt (single) to the Commodity Inspection Bureau for customs clearance work (legal commodity inspection can get the customs clearance in advance), and then with the Commodity Inspection Bureau to check the specific time to the warehouse for supervision. (A few days in advance to the local commodity inspection bureau consultation)

4, commodity inspection bureau staff to the warehouse, the first empty box to take pictures, and then check the number of votes for each ticket, check a box of votes, and take a vote, know all loaded, and then to the Commodity Inspection Bureau Change the customs, and then can arrange for the declaration.

5, customs clearance after about 5 working days, to the Commodity Inspection Bureau to receive the port of destination clearance inspection before shipment, foreign customers with this certificate can be in the port of destination for clearance work.

6, all exports to Egypt, the goods, the corresponding documents (certificate and invoice) must go to the Egyptian Embassy in embassy certification, stamped documents and pre-shipment inspection certificate in the port of destination in Egypt to carry out customs clearance delivery, the embassy recognized After the declaration or export data to determine the conduct.

7, the Egyptian embassy certification about 3-7 working days or so, for the pre-shipment inspection certificate about 5 working days, other customs, commodity inspection can consult the local official, market personnel to talk about customers must leave their own time within the safe to the appropriate operation .


The Tanzanian Port Authority provides that goods destined for Tanzania or transporters to Zambia, Zaire, Rwanda and Burundi to Dar es Salaam, require a distinctive position on the package to brush the different colors of the cross mark for classification, Otherwise the ship will charge the goods classification fee.


The port of Djibouti provides for the final destination port, such as WITH TRANSHIP-MENT TO HOOEIDAH, for all documents and all the documents and packing marks, but it must be noted that the above can not be filled in the port of destination Can be on the rise or other blanks in the bill of lading to show that otherwise the customs will be regarded as Djibouti local goods, but also to the consignee to pay the import duty before release.


The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) began implementing the Pre-Export Standard Compliance Verification Program (PVOC) on September 29, Therefore, from 2005 onwards began to use PVOC pre-shipment verification of the way. PVC catalog products must be shipped before the certificate of compliance (CoC), CoC certificate is Kenya mandatory customs clearance documents, without the certificate, the goods arrived in the port of Kenya will be refused entry.

Côte d'Ivoire

The name of the goods listed in the bill of lading and manifest shall be specified in detail and can not be replaced by the goods. If the goods are not handled in accordance with the above provisions, the customs fines resulting from the carrier shall be borne by the shipper. , Burkina Faso and other landlocked countries of goods, bills of lading and shipping documents and cargo transport packaging, are required to indicate "Côte d'Ivoire transit" to be tax-free, or to impose additional tax.


In order to prevent illegal merchant arbitrage, the Nigerian Central Management Department stipulates that all imported goods issued by the Swiss general public security branch branch agency inspection qualified, made "CLEAN REPORT OF FINDINGS", the consignee can clear the delivery.



The Australian Port Authority stipulates that when the wooden container is imported, the timber shall be fumigated and the fumigation certificate shall be collected. If there is no wood fumigation certificate, the wooden box will be demolished and burned, the replacement packaging costs are borne by the consignor.

new Zealand

The New Zealand Port Authority stipulates that the wooden structure of the container and the wood packaging and the box wood of the box must be quarantined before entering the country.


Fiji Customs provides spring knives and old clothes forbidden to import.